Who Watches the Weichmen?

forewarning: all of my commentary below is opinion, albeit with lots of facts mixed in. There, I'm now indemnified.
I can be a prick sometimes. I fully acknowledge and accept this.
However, my definition of prick is someone who doesn’t sit quietly while a load of bullshit is dumped at their feet and told “this is brilliance, enjoy!”. Generally, when someone is obnoxiously pushing people to believe they're the coolest cat with a heart of steel, I know enough to call them on it.
Anyway this is going to be one of those times and one of those posts of calling someone on something, so if you’re sensitive and think this qualifies as bullying…well, you’ve never met a chap by the name of Graig F. Weich.
Graig is a purported comic professional (at least according to him, though he's produced three comic books in something like twelve years) and he has a resume that’s six pages long, and most important, he’s the greatest and most versatile creator since Leonardo Da Vinci.
Now I write this post knowing full well that I’m doing several things: delaying a trip to the gym, taking an hour or so away from writing a first draft of a spec script that needs to be finished by the end of the month, and, most importantly, wasting time.
The analogy I’ve used about bringing some of the stuff that’s coming up to Graig’s attention is that it’s like playing chess against a pigeon. Yeah, I’ll dominate with a series of moves to make Kasparov jealous, but at the end of the day, what’s the point? The pigeon won’t care. He’ll just strut back and forth across the board, knocking over chess pieces and taking shits randomly.
All of this is known and acknowledged, but I can’t keep my mouth shut on this. Sorry.
I met Graig in college. If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t be writing this up right now because I would know fuck-all about him and wouldn’t give a shit. He really isn't worth the time....and yet somehow I'm writing this. Go figure.
Graig was the consummate fanboy, more concerned with getting autographs from some of our more famous teachers than, say, absorbing lessons on improving his work.
This is the guy who presented Joe Orlando, at the time a fucking senior VP at DC Comics, with three pages of comic art he plagiarized from John Byrne’s Man of Steel mini-series (the issue where Batman chases the thug down an alley; Graig claimed it wasn’t plagiarism since he changed the thug, Bull, into the Joker) and pitched a fit when he was exposed.
Let’s get this one out of the way, since it’s his biggest claim to fame.
On varying websites (his own and others where he posts with a host of pseudonyms), you’ll see a variation of:
Graig Weich was the featured poster artist for Todd Mcfarlane's Spawn
So yes, there’s a double page spread in Spawn 30 by him. However…
A) He drew that long before as a fan piece;
B) He submitted it to Image comics because, if memory serves, at the time they were running fan art in every issue. Stuff by kids, mostly, but anyone could submit something, which was chosen either by Todd McFarlane or someone on his staff
This, then, is not professional work. You can say first work published in a comic, sure.
But ‘featured poster artist’ implies that this was work for hire. And it wasn’t. No money changed hands. I know this because we were both sophomores at the School of Visual Arts in 1994, when this whole thing went down. He showed up in class with a letter from McFarlane’s studio that his Spawn-Angela drawing had been selected to appear in an upcoming issue.
Now far be it from me to shit on someone’s ice cream cake. It’s pretty cool to get your work featured anywhere if you’re an artist.
But for fuck’s sake, that was eighteen years ago.
That can’t really be the peak of his life, right? It’s like Danny Bonaduce running around going “I WAS ON THE MOTHERFUCKING PARTRIDGE FAMILY” forty years later, and when asked what he’s done since, mumbles something about reality television and every drug known to man.
So what’s Graig done since? Well, I know he’s been pushing a couple of comics initiatives since at least 2002 (and produced a grand total of two comics, kind of sad for a guy who loves the medium so much), including a sickening twist that the villains in his Civilian Justice destroyed the World Trade Center in an effort to recover an ancient artifact.
Take a minute and let that sink in. A year after September 11th, this guy uses the building’s destruction as a comic book plot involving aliens and David Prowse.
Fuck. This. Shit. I need a minute here.
All right. Deep breath. Well. Let’s just catch up on what Graig has been up to in the last ten years by taking a look at his resume.
Holy shit this thing is long.
Ah, okay. I see. Part of the problem is that he considers an appearance on a television show ‘employment’.
Calling in to the Howard Stern show and proclaiming “I drew something that was in Spawn!” is nice, but it’s not employment. (What I wanna know is why does the video only have his end of the conversation and not Howard’s response? Did he get laughed at and hung up on?)
Nine times out of nine, it seems the only objective Graig has is to get someone famous to say his name while being recorded, at which point it’s off to Final Cut Pro to make it look like something important, rather than a chance encounter.
There’s also listed on the resume this tidbit:
Batman: Forever, the Movie
Now I remember this bit from our first month back for senior year. He hung this piece of art in the media rooms and called himself the ‘official poster artist for Batman Forever’, which led to this conversation between him and I outside of our portfolio class:
Me: Did Warner Brothers hire you to do that?
Graig: I drew the poster, yeah.
Me: But did Warner Brothers hire you? They paid you?
Graig: What does that matter?
Me: Because you’re lying. You’re not the official poster artist of the movie if they didn’t pay you for it. I’m sure their legal department would like to know you’re passing yourself off as such….
So now, he modified it to as the more likely bit of truth:
The United Artist movie theater in Times Square hired me to do Promotional BatMan Artwork
Well, still really dubious, and unless he’s got tax returns or receipts from them to prove the claim, probably bullshit.
Hmmm. Now here’s something that shows up both on his resume and on his bio page:
Our CEO, Graig F. Weich of Beyond Comics was interviewed on 20/20 ABC News MTV & FOX for his New SuperHeroes: "Ravedactyl" (coming soon) & “Code Name: Justice" (formally Civilian Justice)
Fact check time:
So was he really interviewed by 20/20? Yes.
But was it in reference to his ‘new SuperHeroes’?
According to the accompanying story on ABC’s 20/20 website regarding this episode in particular….not so much.
The episode title was "Food: Myths, Lies and Straight Talk”
Hmmm…that sounds suspiciously non-comics related.
"20/20" picked a random couple and asked if they'd ever had a bad experience in a restaurant or thought they'd ever gotten food poisoning. Their answer? Yes.
"I had probably the worst 48 hours of food poisoning in my life, to the point where I thought it was over. I said, 'That's it. My life is officially going to end any moment now,' " said Graig Weich.
Despite the horrible experience, Weich seemed resigned to the thought that there's a food-poisoning threat lurking in all restaurants. "The truth of the matter is, is that no matter how nice a restaurant is, you don't know what's going on in the kitchen," he said.
Uh oh. That’s not comic-related at all. But let’s keep reading.
But what about our own kitchens? Nealon agreed to look at Weich and his girlfriend, Liga's, kitchen.
The peanut brittle they had left out was not a good idea. It's an invitation to bugs, Nealon said. He suggests putting food in a vermin-proof container after it's been removed from its original packaging.
He also noticed Weich's microwave oven smelled a little funky. "When in doubt, throw it out," Nealon advises.
Kitchen sponges, it turns out, are the No. 1 cause of food poisoning in the home.
Watching the full video and interview, it’s more about the mess in his kitchen than his ‘new SuperHeroes’. Actually, it’s not about them at all. Just a bit of advice on keeping a clean kitchen.
Back in February, New York 1 news stopped me as I passed the World Trade Center site to ask me about problems the leasing agency was having getting tenants to commit to the new Freedom Tower. For the rest of the morning my face would pop up every twenty minutes or so answering the questions asked. I didn’t realize that qualified as work experience. I’ll update my resume.
And from the same page:
Weich’s comic goes to #1!
What in the ever lovin’ fuck does that even mean? Number one what? I guess it’s easy to make bold claims when you keep it vague and don’t need to worry about backing it up.
But hold on, we have some updated news!!!
"Graig Weich gets cast in the Dark Knight Rises 3rd Batman film!!!"
This is the full cast listing for The Dark Knight Rises on IMDB. Go take a look and let me know when you find the name ‘Graig Weich’. I’ll be here when you get back.
Back? So soon?
Okay, how’d you do?
What?? There’s no listing for him? That’s not possible, it says “cast in the Dark Knight Rises”. A casting means his agent got him a part, which would lead to a credit in the film.
It can’t be a case of being cast as an extra, one of the hundreds involved in the cops versus criminals clash on Wall Street at the end and it’s being played up as something that it isn’t. I don’t believe it. Nobody would do that—
Wait, his resume says “Spider-Man 1 and 3: Appearing in the feature film by Columbia-Sony Pictures making a cameo principal-lead speaking role”?
Spider-Man the Sam Raimi movie?
Well, okay….there he is in the crowd when Uncle Ben is found dying outside the New York Public Library….but he doesn’t say anything. There’s no speaking role. And never mind the fact that you can’t be both a ‘cameo’ and a principal-lead speaking role’.
Hugh Jackman was a principal-lead in all three X-Men movies. He had a two word cameo in X-Men: First Class. There’s a difference.
And looking at the credits on IMDB again….nope, no sign of his name.
This can’t be yet another case of being an extra and pushing it as something more, can it?
I mean, that’s just dishonest. Unethical. Would Superman lie like this? More importantly....What Would Batman Do?
Hey, look, he appeared on Buried Treasure and was crushed to learn that the copies of comics he owns (including Amazing Fantasy 15, the first appearance of Spider-Man, Incredible Hulk 1, etc) are not worth the hundreds of thousands of dollars he thought they would be because they’re not in great condition. Wait, he pitched a fit when he found out that a Max Fleischer Superman animation cel would only get him $58,000 (rather than the hundreds of thousands he expected) and cut the video to make it look like there was a ‘final offer’ of one hundred thousand dollars? Really?
Graig can manipulate the video all he likes (including overlaying an image of one of his characters over his wife during the Buried Treasure segment, but also digitally adding scenes of Kevin Smith nodding his head during the Comic Book men segment), but the original video tells the truth. Kevin Smith wasn’t in the shop, and his wife was on the show when it aired. And I'm going out on a limb and guessing he had some variation of a forgery when he proclaimed he was offered $100K by Metropolis Collectibles for the Superman cel.
What’s really great, and what, to me, caps his hypocritical bullshit off with a smile, is the fact that his animation cel, the Max Fleischer animation cel he took forever to track down (and serious kudos to him for doing that) and obtain, the thing that inspired him to go into comics….is something he was willing to go try selling to Nic Cage for hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Once he realizes that avenue is closed and he’s not going to get more than fifty-eight grand, well, suddenly it’s a sentimental thing and he can’t part with it.
Even better, he shows up on Comic Book Men a few weeks later, carrying both the 'sentimental animation cel' and an offer made by Metropolis Collectibles, trying to sell it to Jay Mewes' shop.
Just how sentimental is this damned thing, anyway?
The odd thing is that Liga (his wife, also known as rectangular piece of art covering her up when he’s asking if he should sell his Superman cel) says flat out at the start of the Buried Treasure episode they need money to move into a bigger place. He probably convinced her they could retire on what they sold his collection of stuff for beforehand.
But hey, if you want help out a guy who’s down on his luck, buy a signed copy (or more than ten, anyway) of Gekido versus Code Name Justice (even though it sold out at San Diego Comic Con….wait, what? It sold out but there are more than ten copies….my head hurts), by going here. Just so long as you don’t mind spending eight bucks on the comic and twice that on shipping (what the ever loving fuck? How is it being shipped?).
Then again, I can ask what kind of schizophrenia is involved when the seller (rdactyl1, which is clearly Graig) is writing in the comments
I am selling my friend's Art work for him, Here is what he said:
Tip for you, Graig: use a different selling alias. Something not identifiable with one of your characters. Gives you a bit more credibility.
Look, I’m a writer. I deal with people for whom bullshit flows freely. I was born in Brooklyn. I grew up with bullshit artists. I can spot it a mile away.
Telling an interviewer
I began working out overtime; I lost 24 pounds for the role actually
when you’re an extra?
Yeah, I don’t think so.
I feel genuinely bad for some of these guys that interview him that don’t realize they’re being spun.
If he’d come out proclaiming “Hey, this is so cool, I was an extra in Spider-Man and Dark Knight Rises, and I made it into the final cut”, sure, that is definitely cool.
Shit, I was an extra in an ultra low budget direct-to-DVD flick called Quarter Life Crisis and I’m not pitching it as anything other than sixteen seconds of screen time.
Nor am I carrying on about being a ‘featured lead actor’ in a documentary on the New York Rangers winning the ’94 Stanley Cup because yeah it’s kind of cool, but at the end of the day it’s just a cool little thing. It’s not the end-all be-all.
And I'm sure as shit not editing these videos together and manipulating entertainment news videos to portray myself as the lead in a movie where I have five seconds of screen time.
But maybe that’s the problem. When your life is one big tall tale pile of bullshit stories about non-disclosure contracts and not-so-skillfully avoiding an honest answer to a question, like this:
GPX: I also hear that filming is taking place all over the world. How far did you have to travel for these parts?
GW: A lot of people did have to travel in but since I am a 5th generation native New Yorker, I thought I didn't hace to travel to far
You didn’t travel far because you were an extra called for a shoot in New York. Instead of saying that, it’s got to be a big production to protect the lie. Ugh.
Maybe this is really as good as life gets for him. Maybe all of the delusions, all of the regressed mentality stuff have made something snap.
Oh well. Enough of this. The pigeon is in checkmate. I eagerly await his counter move* while I go off and have a life.
cooo cooo cooo <knock over bishop to rooks three, plop plop plop>
* Many years ago, in the web 1.0 days, I posted a few less-than-flattering stories about Graig from our days in college. A year later, I got a cease and desist letter demanding the comments be removed. I was planning on fighting it until the site owner told me he was planning on closing the site down anyway due to lack of traffic, so I let it go.
Just a heads up, Graig: this is never coming down. Ever.

Reader Comments (23)
Scott, Joe, etc,
At least you, Scott, write in a way I can hear, though your facts are wrong about me with Spawn and our teacher J.O. and it does seem that you and your friends really believe what you’re saying so for the record I will reply to this one last time...
Joe R. publically posting and trying to rip me down like Cindererlla ’s Step sisters is really pathetic though and childish and that he needs the last word and all is like he is still stuck in high school. It is kind of sad actually that he even has the time to write all this and I am actually sorry it has haunted him for so many years that he has spent this amount of time following my career, though it is a bit creepy too…
I know I don’t need to prove myself but I don’t mind setting things straight, you should have asked me these question, Joe, instead of making a public spectacle and if you’re trying to use my name to get attention to your web site, Joe R., just admit it, though this is not the way to do it.
As for -S p a w n-, I met Todd twice before I got hired for the poster, at Toy Fair, he officially hired me to draw the poster. I showed him samples of my work and asked him if he would hire me for a double page spread and he agreed and gave me his contact info. I drew the art, showed it to Joe Orlando, he said that this would be the first piece to be published and he was right. I sent it to Todd, and waited 3 months to hear back. Sent them a fax at the time and then got the news that they approved it. Then I asked them if I could also ink it, they agreed, they paid me well which I was grateful for and then I waited about a year or so until it saw print. 100% true. I don’t need to hype anything to you guys.
On a very serious note. Our teacher, J. O. and everything I said about him is true. What you don’t know is that I took his class each year for 4 years. I loved him, wonderful man. He was hard as hell on me because he knew I could take it and then when I finally nailed it, he congratulated me, stuck out his hand firmly for a shake and said: “-W e I c h-,” and smiled, nodding his head. It was the best feeling. Alithia and others were in the class with me, 4th year, and I remember us all talking about it, he had me redo a page 4 times until I nailed it, he was the best.
I also remember being made fun of for asking a million questions in class, but that is how I learned and why I got published and am doing what I’m doing today, and maybe if others asked and took interest the way I did, they would be doing it too.
There are wonderful personal stories J.O. and I shared, so for some reason you think if I don’t share them with you, they didn’t happen? Seriously? I talked with his family when he passed, did you?
As for Hype, I absolutely admittedly and proudly will let my tiny PR team hype the hell out of the little things I do in order to get the word out because the fact is that, that IS the only way for small independent guys like me to even have a chance to get our work out. It IS why they did almost a 3 minute story on Howard Stern about my new comic again recently. Do you understand? Honestly, I wish I didn’t have to use press to get my work out, but you have to be a salesman these days.
Scott, thank you for supporting and buying my comic book, the page you scanned and uploaded (Please remove the link from public view as the ownership says “may not be uploaded or reproduced” in case you missed the legal text) is a cameo scene from my Rave story (which is why the text at the bottom of it says “to see more, go to the Rave website” below at the bottom of that page) and that page, story wise, is not related to my original Justice book, it is meant to show that the character is watching what is going on and that he is an evil bad guy, not part of the justice storyline back then, maybe it is my fault for not making that clear, I admit I was in my early 20's when I made that book and there are a lot of things I wish I improved so there would have been less misunderstanding but I take full responsibility for it and it did raise money for the victims as it was intended to do, so it was worth me taking the heat etc.
PS, Joe, since you don’t believe anything I say, I will take the time to scan my paycheck from Todd and post the receipts from the donations and give you the names and founders of the charity events I donated work to, after you give me your social security number and do the same on your part, and make it public record, lol, I hope you hear yourself, seriously, are you a school principal?
By the way, No, I don’t have “industry connection” and I don’t have rich parents, I take care of my parents actually, and everything you’ve seen me do I do myself and that is why you have to hype up everything and have it edit it through the wazoo or no one will listen, do you understand? No one cares or will listen to us small artists, get it?
How do I make money, through my art, not only comic books, all types of art, hope that helps you stop obsessing about me.
As for Hype, it gives you a chance, I don’t duck it or hide from it in any way, anyone can view the original comic book men video before it was edited down shorter. No secrets, we are showing clips and highlights. You are so lost in your head that you can’t seem to see that these are clips to hype my studio, and my work, OMG, what a discovery?! Joe, how did you do it? Lol!
C’mon, focus on your work and your life, not mine. That is pathetic.
Where is the secret? Who is hiding? I’m posting this publically, it is OBVIOUS to everyone except you!
We are small independent artists, we don’t have a chance to get out there, Marvel and DC are HUGE, we are not, so we need to hype, shout etc.
I wish you would take note so you can get your work out there too, press wise I mean. I don’t cover this or hide from it or use other people’s names to get noticed as you are doing with my name on your site, and I don’t rip other’s down publically because I disagree with the way they hype themselves as you do.
I thought you would get what I’m doing and why I’m doing it. I think you assume I have some super ego, I see how it looks to you now, but I don’t.
I’m a regular artist who is trying to pay his damn bills and take care of his family. Period.
It is work for me, hype is part of work, do you understand? If you don’t like the way we do it, that is fine, do it however you like, but don’t publically try to rip me down because I do it differently than you. I’m very serious about that, I have addressed you personally instead of getting my legal team on you this time, so don’t push me.
The only reason why what you’re doing is wrong, is because you are not addressing me or asking me personally, but instead making your own conclusions and posting it publically as fact, making claims to discredit me and my business and I will take action if you push me.
You ARE a cyber bully and you do try to rip me down. That is pathetic and sad. Not honorable, it is sneaky and you hide behind your web site, instead you should have just emailed and asked me before all this crap.
The fact that you didn’t address me in a private email first, but did it publically is proof what I said above is true.
We can go back and forth about this forever, I know nothing will update your thinking and I'm sure you will need your last word, so talk amongst yourself from here on out and think whatever you think.
Look, instead of spending all this time attempting to publically tear me apart, learn from what I have done with press and how to get your work out there and maybe if you focused on that instead, you wouldn’t have the time to focus on me.
PS, Note the above comment is from me, GW, not from my interns, I used their laptop here so it kept their names from their last post I am reading now.
I also know they are just trying to defend me and I appriciate them for it so, though I wish they would have asked me first, but if you want to cyberbash, cyberbash me, but not them.
I think you miss the issue at hand, of what people don't like. Nobody says you don't work, hard, and you should be proud of your accomplishments. But, it's taking those things and making them seem much bigger with your editing and propaganda. How can you be taken seriously when you edit a movie review of Dark Knight Rises and make it look like a story about you? Complete with voiceover. You do the same with 20/20, edited to make it look like they are talking about your comic. You claim Joe confused it with an ABC News story... so where is the true story? It's not in your 'reel'. You appear on "Buried Treasure, showing an impressive collection... but then you edit your wife completely out of it, and edit the final offer of $58,000 to $100,000. You then take that fake estimate into your next TV appearance, again edited so it looks like Kevin Smith is right there, when he's not. What if they had bought it for your appraised value? What would you do then?
You see, the issue is your caught in lies and exagerations, when the truth would impress most. Even on these posts for someones insignificant blog you feel the need to construct fake 'readers' who are dissapointed in Joe's post... then they become interns... and in between it all there's a threat of physical harm, but for no reason then a different perspective. Graig, embrace what you do, focus on your comics, promote what you've done, but be humble. If you do this you might find you'll have more people support you, and less trying to tear you down.